Following Directions to Your Next Job – Bill Kasko – Frontline Source Group, Inc.
Hi, I’m Bill Kasko, CEO and President of Frontline Source Group, based here in Texas. This week, I’d like to discuss something near and dear to my heart- the importance of following directions. This week, I have seen a number of people get disqualified for different job opportunities due to not completing the application process correctly. Every company has different hiring activities, and missing steps has hurt people applying.
For example, our Staffing Agency requires people to apply through our website: . Some people have come by our office or have faxed in resumes. We say that we can not take resumes through these formats. By not applying through our temp agency website, we lose that information, and potential perfect matches never are contacted for great jobs. Check with the company that you are trying to apply to in order to find out the correct application activities.
We know a company that sends out a questionaire along with an application. They say that very often they receive back the questionaire or the application, but not both. By not following directions, those job seekers are pulling themselves out of the running.
When applying for jobs, think about creating a check list! This can be an invaluable tool to ensure that you are doing everything right to a.) make the right impression and b.) show that you can follow instructions. This is setting everything in motion in the right direction. If you need to make phone calls, show up to interviews, complete applications, pass out reference letters, etc… if the company calls for certain tools to evaluate your application to the company, put yourself in the best light possible. No two companies work exactly the same, so paying attention to these differences, can be the difference between a job offer or no job offer. It may seem simple, but it’s incredible to see what kind of impact small activities have on your career future.
For other tips on the right steps to find a new job, check out too! There’s some excellent information that can assist you on the job hunt.
Good luck with your job search. Happy hunting.