The Challenges of Modern Hiring
Expert tips for dealing with today’s talent pool
If you compare today’s hiring process with just a generation ago, you’d see many differences. Just think back to those days. Fancy résumés on stock paper. Circling ads in the classifieds. Waiting at home so you don’t miss that call…
Even compared to just a decade back, when Frontline began its path to leadership in the staffing world, you’d notice a world of difference. Just the technological advances are enough to make you stop tweeting, put down your smartphone and give pause.
At Frontline, we’re in a unique position to help both hiring companies and job seekers recognize and adjust to the challenges of the modern, hiring process.
Straight Communication
Gone are the days when hiring companies felt no need to give straight answers to candidates. Now, companies are expected to tell candidates a realistic timeframe for their decision. And it’s essential that they stick to their word.
Why? It’s a hot job-market, and companies wanting the good candidates had better move fast. And with review sites like Glassdoor and other social media, candidates have the power to communicate their experiences with your company to others immediately. If you’re not straightforward, other applicants will know and stay away.
Tech Savviness
On one level, it’s important for companies and candidates alike to keep abreast of the latest technology, especially applied to the hiring process. Before, 90% of interviews took place in the local office, face-to- face. Nowadays, it’s more like 10% in person and 90% via remote video-conferencing or video clips. Both sides need enabling technology and the skills to use it.
On the other hand, it’s equally important for companies to accommodate for lack of technical savvy on the part of candidates, especially those seeking senior positions. Online applications, Internet conferencing, and more may not be in their repertoire. And in many fields, that’s just fine – e.g., the energy or oil and gas fields, where experience and leadership count more than tweeting skills.
First Impressions
Do you know the average time a hiring firm looks at a candidate’s résumé? 7 seconds!
And at candidate video clips? 30 seconds!
Candidates need to recognize just how crucial first-impressions are to getting a job. Their résumé must be professional. And if they are doing a live or videotaped interview, they should show up smiling, confident, friendly, and appear as the kind of teammate the company would love to have.
Employers have to be more efficient in what they’re doing and so they’re utilizing technology to find candidates, conduct interviews and provide fast responses. And applicants are having to become more reliable on technology and understand first impressions are everything when trying to win a job with today’s competitive talent-pool.
Processes are Important.
Being upfront with candidates, using technology to your advantage and giving a good impression are all important to finding and hiring the perfect people for your organization.
All of the processes involved are important, and once you manage and understand this accordingly, it will be much easier to find and hire the right people in the most cost-effective manner possible.
What’s your biggest hiring challenge?
Please let us know here, and for additional information and help with your staffing needs, please click here.